Download Yamaha DD-8 Drum Kit Free Now

Yamaha DD-8 Drum Kit

This is a free sample pack featuring 28 drum samples captured from the Yamaha DD-8 toy drum machine.

Drum machines are cool. Toy drum machines are way cooler, though. Whether it’s the low bit depth of the samples or some weird magical power of their plastic pads, I’m not sure, but playing these old toy drum machines by Yamaha is always fun. If you’d like to give it a try without having to purchase an actual old drum machine on eBay, here’s a free Yamaha DD-8 sample pack featuring all the sounds that come with the machine, from kick drums and snares to lions roars and vinyl scratches.

All included samples are provided in 16-bit WAV format. You can download these samples completely free of charge and use them in your project.